Poem: right justified (the elephants in the room)

[Header Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash]

“This was a disgrace,”
Trump told reporters.
“This was a rigged trial
by a conflicted judge
who was corrupt.
It’s a rigged trial, a disgrace.”


or controlled
by deceptive
or dishonest means


to be a source
of shame to

“This political witch hunt
does nothing more
than make fools
out of the Democrats.”
Evan Power, chairman, Republican Party of Florida

witch hunt

the searching out
and deliberate harassment
of those
(such as political opponents)
with unpopular views

“In America,
the rule of law
should be applied
in a dispassionate,
even-handed manner,
not become captive
to the political agenda
of some kangaroo court.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis (FL-R)

kangaroo court

a mock court
in which the principles
of law and justice
are disregarded or perverted

“Banana republic.
To orchestrate charges
in an election year
for something years earlier
just to try and take out
a political opponent —
this is what people have been fleeing
in 3rd World countries for decades.”
Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis

banana republic

a small dependent country
usually of the tropics
especially : one run despotically

“The verdict in New York
is a complete travesty
that makes a mockery
of our system of justice.”
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio


a debased,
or grossly inferior


an insincere,
or impertinent

—P.L. Thomas

[Definitions sourced from Merriam-Webster]


“The Elephant in the Room,” Kay Ryan